Climate Leviathan
*planted: 26/03/2022last tended: 11/08/2022
1. Book
- A
- book
2. Idea
- An
- idea
Outlines four paths for climate politics:
- Climate Leviathan
- Climate Mao
- Climate Behemoth
- Climate X
Just going off what I remember from listening to Climate Leviathan with Geoff Mann, my very very crude recollection at the moment:
2.0.1. Climate Leviathan
Ultimately ineffectual. Not something we want. Essentially the ineffectiveness of COP writ large.
2.0.2. Climate Behemoth
Something like Trump, who not only doesn't give a shit about the climate, but also wouldn't want to work with other countries on it anyway.
2.0.3. Climate Mao
If a response could be centrally planned by a non-capitalist nation state.
2.0.4. Climate X
Pockets of climate activism at various scales, e.g. city level, etc.

3. Elsewhere
3.1. In my garden
Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).
- Climate Mao
- planetary sovereign
- What Is To Be Done? with Breht O'Shea and Alyson Escalante
- Climate Leviathan with Geoff Mann
- Red Menace: Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future
- Trip 22: Democracy
- 2023-10-29
- Climate & Revolution: How do we transition from catastrophe?
- Climate Leviathan with Joel Wainwright and Geoff Mann
- Half-Earth Socialism
- The role of technology in eco-socialism
- Climate change