*planted: 12/09/2021last tended: 22/11/2024
1. Elsewhere
1.1. In my garden
Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).
- Looking Backward
- Revolutionary Letters
- A Paradise Built in Hell
- The Cost of Free Shipping
- A Short History of Nearly Everything
- Consider Phlebas
- Thinking in Systems
- Less is More
- A People's Guide to Capitalism
- Marx for Beginners
- Jackson Rising
- Hello World (book)
- The Entropy of Capitalism
- Elysium Fire
- Regenesis
- Talking to My Daughter About the Economy
- Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet
- The Tao of Physics
- Jackson Rising Redux
- Internet for the People
- Revolution in Rojava
- Climate Leviathan
- Red Enlightenment: On Socialism, Science and Spirituality
- Inventing the Future
- Red Plenty
- The Mechanic and the Luddite
- Four Futures
- The Dispossessed
- Wasteland
- Social Media: A Critical Introduction
- Radical Technologies
- A Wizard of Earthsea
- Platform socialism
- Understanding Knowledge as a Commons
- Doughnut Economics
- Networks of Outrage and Hope
- News from Nowhere
- Breaking Things at Work
- Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal
- Future Histories
- Goodbye iSlave
- Capital is Dead
- The Word for World is Forest
- How to Blow Up a Pipeline
- The Player of Games
- bolo'bolo
- Post-Growth Living
- Elinor Ostrom's Rules for Radicals
- Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism?
- The Systems View of Life
- The Cassini Division
- Half-Earth Socialism
- Mute Compulsion
- The Future is Degrowth
- Cybernetic Revolutionaries
- Crowds and Party
- Look to Windward
- The Ministry for the Future
- Red-Green Revolution
- The Nature of Technology
- The Shock Doctrine of the Left
- Well-connected
- The Internet Con
- Celebrate People's History: The Poster Book of Resistance and Revolution
- Scorched Earth: Beyond the Digital Age to a Post-Capitalist World