Mute Compulsion

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Written by
Søren Mau
A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital

Marxism. Capital.

In addition to coercion (violence) and consent (ideology), there is the mute compulsion of economic power.

offers a foundational analysis of power, value, capital, and social reproduction.

1. Praise

The book is likely the best single summary of contemporary Marxist thought and serves as an invaluable resource for introducing the uninitiated to many of the foundational themes of communist critique and the character of economic power within capitalism

Forest and Factory

Jathan Sadowski highly rates it.

Mau’s book is written with a real analytical clarity that advances our critical, theoretical understanding of the relations and operations of those things in society and our lives.

TMK BC5: Mute Compulsion, Introduction.

2. Elsewhere

2.2. In the Agora

2.3. Mentions

Recent changes. Source. Peer Production License.