This Machine Kills
*planted: 13/11/2023last tended: 20/03/2024
- A
- podcast series
- Featuring
- Jathan Sadowski / Edward Ongweso Jr..
Podcast series on digital technologies. Sadowski describes it as being on . (I would say specifically digital technology)
Socialist, Communist, anarchist in outlook.
1. Elsewhere
1.1. In my garden
Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).
- The Web of Death (ft. Tamara Kneese)
- TMK BC5: Mute Compulsion, Ch. 2
- The Silicon Empire in Eastern Europe (ft. Erin McElroy)
- 2023-11-13
- The Problem With America’s Ban on TikTok
- Forest and Factory
- Medium Anxiety
- Kill the Ecomodernist in Your Head
- The Mythology of Cybersyn (ft. Evgeny Morozov)
- TMK BC5: Mute Compulsion, Introduction
- Israel’s AI Kill List: “Once you go automatic, target generation goes crazy.”
- How the World Became Uninsurable
- 2024-03-29
- What’s the Value of Data? (ft. Salomé Viljoen)