This Land is Our Land
*planted: 08/08/2022last tended: 11/08/2022
David Bollier on the commons. What is it and why does it matter?
- Polio. Vaccine not patented. Jonas Salk.
- Contrast with HIV/AIDS. 20,000 a month dying in South Africa. Because they couldn't afford the patented drugs. South Africa made a generic version. Drug industry called it piracy. They won. Patents caused many to die.
- We need to bring back the commons.
- We have an inate ability to cooperative. Res publica and res communes. Magna Carta. and the Charter of the Forest.
- The commons were in many ways a social safety net.
- The Constitution of the United States had bits based on the Magna Carta.
- Benjamin Franklin didn't patent things. And he liked to reuse that which had gone beforeā¦
- Thatcher, Reagan, brought out neoliberal capitalism in to the mainstream.
- The 80s and 90s were awash with privatisation.
- "Resulting in a shift of more than trillion dollars of state-owned enterprises to private interests." (dunno if that's worldwide or US)
- enclosure of the commons.
- Studied by Karl Polanyi. "A revolution of the rich against the poor"
- Branded bottled water.
- The market feeds off the commons.
- Enclosure of broadcast airwaves. (valued today at roughly $0.5 trillion)
- It used to be: if you take from the commons, you should give back to the commons.
- Reagon and Clinton deregulated the airwaves.
- Enclosure of the internet.
- Girl scouts sued for singing puff the magic dragon.
- Woody Guthrie didn't believe in copyright. This machine kills fascists.
- Hardin was never describing a commons. He was describing a free-for-all. Commons have rules.
- World Social Forum.
- Reclaming the commons.
1. Elsewhere
1.1. In my garden
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