Sunak Comes Unstuck

planted: 26/03/2022last tended: 26/03/2022

Bit of stuff about Rishi Sunak's public gaffes recently (pretending to drive a much cheaper car than he does; not knowing how to use a contactless card; struggling to name the bread he eats; getting in a flap about being asked his wife's ties to a business operating in Russia). Showing how out of touch with the public he is. Of course he fucking is though, most politicians are. I find this stuff a bit pointless really, I'm more bothered about him trampling on the poor of the country while being a multi-millionaire. But I suppose it matters in some sense of his public standing and whether he might become PM one day.

Also some stuff about the .

And some stuff about Graham Linehan and his bizarre anti-trans campaign. Sad.

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