
planted: 19/08/2021last tended: 27/11/2021
  • I enrolled on the Introduction to Complexity course from the Santa Fe Institute. It teaches about complex systems and uses NetLogo.
  • Yes, I could be making better use of references and citations in org-roam, I think.
    • I am doing this in theory, I believe, in that I have note files on particular references. I'm just not giving these files formal cite links, and also not linking these to a bibliography. I don't think that matters so much for online articles, but perhaps it would be better for books and journal articles.
    • I'm confused as to whether I should be using org-cite or org-ref though.
  • Anyway, I think I'll set up Zotero for at least capturing the PDFs that I want. I do note that Leo Vivier in one of his videos seemed to be using Calibre to store his PDFs. Given I have my normal books in Calibre, maybe I want to do that too?
    • This here thread seems to think having Calibre for books and Zotero for papers is fine.
  • OK. So perhaps org-ref is actually how you manage your bibliography file? So kind of a Zotero alternative. And org-cite is just how you cite things in your org files. maybe? Not sure… Has anyone migrated away from zotero/mendeley to just an org-based solution (…
  • Enjoying the first unit of Introduction to Complexity.
  • https://rgoswami.me/posts/org-note-workflow/][An Orgmode Note Workflow">Rohit Goswami — Reflections]]
  • Gaia hypothesis
  • Oh my, NetLogo is amazing.
    • There's so many rich examples in the Model Explorer.
    • Including some sound-based ones!
  • Effective freedom
  • Paul Pangaro

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