Improving my Emacs writing mode
*planted: 16/04/2024last tended: 17/04/2024
Work in progress.
1. Installing the ETBembo font
- Need to also install the EtBembo font from here:
- The way I did it on Linux Mint:
- download a zip file of the repo
- extract
- open File Browser, and find and double click on each of the fonts .tff files
- et-book-bold-line-figures.ttf
- et-book-display-italic-old-style-figures.ttf
- et-book-roman-line-figures.ttf
- et-book-roman-old-style-figures.ttf
- et-book-semi-bold-old-style-figures.ttf
- Each one should open up Font Viewer with the font loaded
- click on 'Install' to install the font
2. Amendments
I've just been trialling this - I should probably add it to my ngm/writing-mode function.
what font do quotes get?
(setq org-startup-indented t fringe-indicator-alist '((truncation nil nil) (continuation nil nil) (overlay-arrow . right-triangle) (up . up-arrow) (down . down-arrow) (top top-left-angle top-right-angle) (bottom bottom-left-angle bottom-right-angle top-right-angle top-left-angle) (top-bottom left-bracket right-bracket top-right-angle top-left-angle) (empty-line . empty-line) (unknown . question-mark)) org-superstar-remove-leading-stars t org-superstar-headline-bullets-list '(" ") org-ellipsis " " ;; folding symbol org-pretty-entities t org-hide-emphasis-markers t ;; show actually italicized text instead of /italicized text/ org-agenda-block-separator "" org-fontify-whole-heading-line t org-fontify-done-headline t org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks t)
2.1. And this in user-init
(setq-default theming-modifications '((spacemacs-light (variable-pitch :family "EtBembo" :background nil :foreground "#1c1e1f" :height 1.7) (org-document-title :inherit nil :family "EtBembo" :height 1.8 :foreground "#1c1e1f" :underline nil) (org-document-info :height 1.2 :slant italic) (org-level-1 :inherit nil :family "EtBembo" :height 1.6 :weight normal :slant normal :foreground "#1c1e1f") (org-level-2 :inherit nil :family "EtBembo" :weight normal :height 1.3 :slant italic :foreground "#1c1e1f") (org-level-3 :inherit nil :family et-font :weight normal :slant italic :height 1.2 :foreground "#1c1e1f") (org-level-4 :inherit nil :family "EtBembo" :weight normal :slant italic :height 1.1 :foreground "#1c1e1f") (org-headline-done :family "EtBembo" :strike-through t) (org-quote :inherit variable-pitch) (org-block :inherit fixed-pitch :height 0.7 :background "#eee" :foreground "#1c1e1f") (org-block-begin-line :background nil :height 0.8 :family "Source Code Pro" :foreground "#8FA1B3") (org-block-end-line :background nil :height 0.8 :family "Source Code Pro" :foreground "#8FA1B3") (org-document-info-keyword :height 0.8 :foreground "#bbb") (org-link :foreground "#1c1e1f") (org-special-keyword :family "Source Code Pro" :height 0.8) (org-hide :foreground "#fbf8ef") (org-indent :inherit (org-hide fixed-pitch)) (org-date :family "Source Code Pro" :height 0.8) (org-ellipsis :underline nil :foreground "#525254") (org-tag :foreground "#727280") (org-table :family "Source Code Pro" :height 0.9 :background "#fbf8ef") (org-code :inherit nil :family "Source Code Pro" :foreground "#525254" :height 0.9))))))
- Follow the font settings from
- Don't use the ETBembo font in src blocks, tables, etc
4. Resources
- Inspiration for general look: Ricing up Org Mode
- Fringe indicator stuff: Changes to fringe-indicator-alist not taking effect - Emacs Stack Exchange
- Worth checking: Emacs proof-of-concept: tweaked focused writing for Org | Protesilaos Stavrou
5. Elsewhere
5.1. In my garden
Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).