getting knowledge maps in to my weeknotes
*Why? a) To give me a visual aide memoire of the week notes. b) To give others a more visual entry point in to my digital garden.
I started with very visual and very time consuming slides made in LibreOffice Impress. See: Captain's Log. I still really like those, but I couldn't find the time to make them each week.
Then I fiddled a little bit with PlantUML. Marginally less work than building from scratch, but still time-consuming, having to write the PlantUML markup. Good fun, but if I'm spending actual real time on it, I'd rather the creation process itself be visual and free-flowing.
Next up I've been trying graphs built automatically with org-roam-graph. I put the links to the daily journals in the weeknotes file, generate the graph, have a peruse of it and write my weeknotes from then. Then remove the journal links and just generate the graph from the weeknote links. It works as a nice easy-to-generate visual aide memoire for me, though sadly it's not really very visually compelling for anyone else.
1. Elsewhere
1.1. In my garden
Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).