

the flâneur’s raison d’etre—to participate fully through observation

In Praise of the Flâneur

Psychogeographers idolise the flâneur, a figure conceived in 19th-century France by Charles Baudelaire and popularised in academia by Walter Benjamin in the 20th century. A romantic stroller, the flâneur wandered about the streets, with no clear purpose other than to wander.

Psychogeography: a way to delve into the soul of a city

The figure of the flâneur—the stroller, the passionate wanderer emblematic of nineteenth-century French literary culture—has always been essentially timeless; he removes himself from the world while he stands astride its heart.

In Praise of the Flâneur

“[the flâneur] was a figure of the modern artist-poet, a figure keenly aware of the bustle of modern life, an amateur detective and investigator of the city, but also a sign of the alienation of the city and of capitalism,”

In Praise of the Flâneur

1. Elsewhere

1.2. In the Agora

1.3. Mentions

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