Emergent outlines


1. Vectoralism, PKMs and IndieWeb

1.1. Notes

1.2. Notions

2. The last thing we need is more tech growth

New UK tech regulator to limit power of Google and Facebook.

The last thing we need is more tech growth.

The framing of this is all wrong. It's all about innovation, competition, consumer choice, growth. It should be about liberation, user freedom, agency and sustainability.

  • what's wrong with tech growth? Reference Hail the maintainers maybe.

3. Reweirding the web

4. Experiments in community (digital) gardening

5. Grab bag of ideas I might write about

5.5. analysis vs skills when it comes to online political organising

5.6. how do political theory and tactics transfer to online space

5.7. some thoughts on what a useful governable stack for online political organising might be

5.8. real existing movements - cooperation jackson, rojava

5.9. the issues we want to address and the demands that we can make as flancia collective

5.10. horizontalism and verticalism as it relates to technological decentralisation

e.g. Fediverse, Indieweb, p2p. They are mixtures of both horizontal and vertical.

5.11. analogies between political organisation and evolutionary and adaptive systems

Even between planned economy versus free market economy, at least insofar as encapsulated by Soviet Union and United States during the cold war, I feel like there must be a middle-way that's about prosperity without growth, somewhere between planned and free market, neither vertical nor horizontal.

The Entropy of Capitalism might be a good one for this. System theory and self-organisation.

6. Elsewhere

6.1. In my garden

Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).

6.2. In the Agora

6.3. Mentions

This page last updated: 2023-06-03 Sat 22:00. Map. Recent changes. Source. Peer Production License.