
planted: 24/07/2021last tended: 27/11/2021

Datafication is now understood canonically as a process that transforms many aspects of everyday life into data, and data into value, and it is considered a “legitimate means to access, understand and monitor people’s behavior

Undoing Optimization: Civic Action in Smart Cities

datafication suggests that data production and circulation are significant in themselves, regardless of what the data might contain

Undoing Optimization: Civic Action in Smart Cities

Put another way, datafication opens out spaces for citizens to participate in by generating data, auditing government data, or creating alternative data analytic systems, but these spaces for action still follow the dominant logic of big data optimization

Undoing Optimization: Civic Action in Smart Cities

1. Elsewhere

1.1. In my garden

Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).

1.2. In the Agora

1.3. Mentions

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