Read feeder

planted: 03/05/2020last tended: 27/11/2021

Ton made a post recently about federated bookshelves, sparked by a post from Tom. It's an idea that Gregor has done a good bit of thinking about from an IndieWeb perspective.

Book recommendations is something I'm always interesting in. At base, all it needs is a feed you can follow just of what people have been reading. I've set up a channel in my social reader called 'Good Reads', and subscribed to Ton's list of books, as the sci-fi focus looks right up my street. If anyone else has a feed of read books, let me know!


I am keeping my own list of books I've read in my wiki - sadly not marked up in any useful way at present - something for me to do there.

1. Elsewhere

1.1. In my garden

Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).

1.2. In the Agora

1.3. Mentions

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