

"Technology" is a word about as specific as "sports" or "food" or "animal".

Ontology Technological Dynamics - dredmorbius

I like technology (insofar as you can like an abstract concept). I have been interested in computer programming since young, and have a background as a software developer. So when I say 'technology', I probably subconsciously lean towards meaning computers and surrounding technologies, worth bearing that in mind.

I'm critical of how technology is used, and very much into the use of technology for liberatory purposes. If it's not a net positive for humanity and the world in which we live, then what's the point.

Technology is not neutral. We're inside of what we make, and it's inside of us. We're living in a world of connections — and it matters which ones get made and unmade.

– Donna Harraway

I like the free software movement, and use a lot of it.

I'm interested in technology as used for communication, so yeah big fan of the Internet and am generally a fan of technological decentralisation.

I am interested in the intersection of technology and nature.

1 Other stuff

2 Elsewhere in the garden

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