Software/services that I use


Free software where possible. Self-hostable (although not necessarily self-hosted) where possible.

1. Operating systems

1.1. history

  • AMSDOS (on the Amstrad CPC 464)
  • Windows, I think 3.1, on a laptop my Dad had from work
  • Windows 98 on our first family PC (did I ever use 95?)
  • first Linux was either Mandrake or Mandriva - around 2001?
  • used fedora for a little bit?
  • OSX at work for a bit, Windows at work for a bit
  • ubuntu
  • debian
  • mint mate

2. Text editing

2.1. history

  • used to predominantly use vim
  • Once upon a time, Visual Studio with VsVim

3. Coding

4. Productivity

4.1. tasks/todos/gtd

4.2. calendar

  • hosted nextcloud with GreenNet
  • Linux client: gnome calendar app
  • Android client: Etar

5. Personal knowledge management

6. Communications

6.1. email

6.2. chat

  • IRC via znc and ERC
    • mainly just for IndieWeb IRC at the moment

7. Utilities

8. Hosting

8.1. servers

8.2. domains

  • iwantmyname
  • gandi

9. Elsewhere

9.1. In my garden

9.3. Mentions

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