Provision a WordPress server at Digital Ocean


Steps I usually do to get a WordPress server up and running at Digital Ocean.

1 Create the droplet

They do have a WP server in the marketplace, but I tend to do it from scratch.

Usually go with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

I always provision with an ssh key set up from the get go, rather than getting sent a root password.

2 Security things

  • ufw
    • enable http, https, and ssh
  • fail2ban
  • disable remote password access (usually done already)
  • but do set a root password and store in password manager, for those times you need to log in via the access console

3 WP related apps

  • Apache
  • MySQL
  • PHP
    • and a bunch of php extensions (php-xml, php-json, php-mysql, php-mbstring, php-zip, any others?)
apt install apache2
apt install mysql-server
apt install php-xml php-json php-mysql php-mbstring php-zip
ufw allow http
ufw allow https
ufw allow ssh
ufw enable
apt install fail2ban

4 Elsewhere

4.1 In my garden

Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).

4.3 Mentions

This page last updated: 2023-04-02 Sun 09:52. Map. Recent changes. Source. Peer Production License.