*planted: 24/07/2021last tended: 27/11/2021
1. Timeline
1.1. Early stuff
- I have early memories coding with my Mum and my Grandad
- typing in BASIC to the Amstrad
- making the screen background flash different colours
- making it print out "Hello, <name>" over and over
- these were from the instruction manual I'm pretty sure

- also I think we got these other books full of code from somewhere, where you just went through and typed a full program in line by line. Often it didn't work, you had to go through line by line and find the error.
- I also remember making a program with my Grandad on his business Amstrad PC. It was something to do with the Blitz, a game of dropping bombs on a city.
1.2. College
- I learned Pascal at college in my Computing A-level
1.3. The web
- I remember teaching myself HTML around late 1990s it must've been, from Webmonkey. I was listening to Tri Repetae by Autechre a lot while doing it. Fun times.
1.4. Now
I'd like to learn Lisp. We were doing a group learning via SICP for a while at, but that has gone dormant for now.
Perhaps Clojure.
2. Elsewhere
2.1. In my garden
Notes that link to this note (AKA backlinks).