*planted: 24/07/2021last tended: 27/11/2021
- Flancian asks a good question on the social.coop tech channel - why does social.coop not use Mastodon to coordinate governance?
- In my opinion because Mastodon is not very good for governance. It only has polls and even that is fairly new.
- In fact I don't find Mastodon very good for even just conversation.
- There is a layer of governance infrastructure missing from the web.
- That said, having two/more platforms to coordinate things is definitely a huge piece of friction to involving a community in governance.
- h's mockups from way back when, are interesting: https://social.coop/@h/1868600 https://social.coop/@h/1870490
- Bookmark: The Web of Life
- Would like to read it as it gives an intro to Humberto Maturana, Francisco Varela, and autopoesis.
1. Elsewhere
1.1. In my garden
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