Content moderation in the Agora

planted: 01/12/2021last tended: 01/12/2021

1. [2021-12-01 Wed] chat


This is interesting, kind of a 'liquid moderation' Kat Marchán 🐈 -

Have we thought about content moderation on anagora?

e.g. what happens if someone posts something racist, pornographic etc on a node.


I like liquid moderation as an approach I think.

hpec by leah houston, who I met in a call back in October, is using a similar approach IIRC.

within the Agora, this brings me back to the 'browse as' idea a bit – where we could make our Agora preferences public essentially, and let people use our defaults if they want.

ranking/filtering seems like one of the personal settings that could be shared this way.

also potentially this handles one of the possible objections to this approach (the filter bubbles). if I can easily 'put on' someone else's filter, perhaps that's not as big a concern (unsure).

perhaps essentially what we'd end up is something like an inheritance/composition graph of ranking and filtering settings.

implementation wise, you could imagine everybody inheriting by default from the policies of the system account (@agora in – all of those explicit

and the community voting to make particular policies the default

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